Results for 'Noriko H. Arai'

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  1.  30
    Relative efficiency of propositional proof systems: resolution vs. cut-free LK.Noriko H. Arai - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 104 (1-3):3-16.
    Resolution and cut-free LK are the most popular propositional systems used for logical automated reasoning. The question whether or not resolution and cut-free LK have the same efficiency on the system of CNF formulas has been asked and studied since 1960 425–467). It was shown in Cook and Reckhow, J. Symbolic Logic 44 36–50 that tree resolution has super-polynomial speed-up over cut-free LK. Naturally, the current issue is whether or not resolution and cut-free LK expressed as directed acyclic graphs have (...)
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  2.  73
    The Complexity of Analytic Tableaux.Noriko H. Arai, Toniann Pitassi & Alasdair Urquhart - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):777 - 790.
    The method of analytic tableaux is employed in many introductory texts and has also been used quite extensively as a basis for automated theorem proving. In this paper, we discuss the complexity of the system as a method for refuting contradictory sets of clauses, and resolve several open questions. We discuss the three forms of analytic tableaux: clausal tableaux, generalized clausal tableaux, and binary tableaux. We resolve the relative complexity of these three forms of tableaux proofs and also resolve the (...)
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  3.  19
    In-situTEM observation of transformation of dislocations from shuffle to glide sets in Si under supersaturation of interstitials.H. Saka, K. Yamamoto, S. Arai & K. Kuroda - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (29-31):4841-4850.
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    (2 other versions)Epsilon substitution method for ID1.Toshiyasu Arai - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 121 (2):163-208.
    Hilbert proposed the epsilon substitution method as a basis for consistency proofs. Hilbert's Ansatz for finding a solving substitution for any given finite set of transfinite axioms is, starting with the null substitution S0, to correct false values step by step and thereby generate the process S0,S1,… . The problem is to show that the approximating process terminates. After Gentzen's innovation, Ackermann 162) succeeded to prove termination of the process for first order arithmetic. Inspired by G. Mints as an Ariadne's (...)
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  5.  44
    Epsilon substitution method for theories of jump hierarchies.Toshiyasu Arai - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (2):123-153.
    We formulate epsilon substitution method for theories (H)α0 of absolute jump hierarchies, and give two termination proofs of the H-process: The first proof is an adaption of Mints M, Mints-Tupailo-Buchholz MTB, i.e., based on a cut-elimination of a specially devised infinitary calculus. The second one is an adaption of Ackermann Ack. Each termination proof is based on transfinite induction up to an ordinal θ(α0+ ω)0, which is best possible.
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  6.  32
    One-dimensional migration of interstitial clusters in SUS316L and its model alloys at elevated temperatures.Y. Satoh, H. Abe, Y. Matsukawa, T. Matsunaga, S. Kano, S. Arai, Y. Yamamoto & N. Tanaka - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (14):1587-1606.
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  7.  27
    The Armour Book in Honchō-GunkikōThe Armour Book in Honcho-Gunkiko.Schuyler Cammann, Arai Hakuseki, Y. Ōtsuka, H. Russell Robinson & Y. Otsuka - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (2):221.
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  8. On the Slowly Well Orderedness of ɛo.Toshiyasu Arai - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (1):125-130.
    For α < ε0, Nα denotes the number of occurrences of ω in the Cantor normal form of α with the base ω. For a binary number-theoretic function f let B denote the length n of the longest descending chain of ordinals <ε0 such that for all i < n, Nαi ≤ f . Simpson [2] called ε0 as slowly well ordered when B is totally defined for f = K · . Let |n| denote the binary length of the (...)
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  9.  18
    Negative Mood States Are Related to the Characteristics of Facial Expression Drawing: A Cross-Sectional Study.Chika Nanayama Tanaka, Hayato Higa, Noriko Ogawa, Minenori Ishido, Tomohiro Nakamura & Masato Nishiwaki - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    An assessment of mood or emotion is important in developing mental health measures, and facial expressions are strongly related to mood or emotion. This study thus aimed to examine the relationship between levels of negative mood and characteristics of mouth parts when moods are drawn as facial expressions on a common platform. A cross-sectional study of Japanese college freshmen was conducted, and 1,068 valid responses were analyzed. The questionnaire survey consisted of participants’ characteristics, the Profile of Mood States, and a (...)
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  10.  95
    Quantified propositional calculus and a second-order theory for NC1.Stephen Cook & Tsuyoshi Morioka - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (6):711-749.
    Let H be a proof system for quantified propositional calculus (QPC). We define the Σqj-witnessing problem for H to be: given a prenex Σqj-formula A, an H-proof of A, and a truth assignment to the free variables in A, find a witness for the outermost existential quantifiers in A. We point out that the Σq1-witnessing problems for the systems G*1and G1 are complete for polynomial time and PLS (polynomial local search), respectively. We introduce and study the systems G*0 and G0, (...)
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  11.  23
    Clinical Ethics Consultation in Japan: What does it Mean to have a Functioning Ethics Consultation?Noriko Nagao & Yoshiyuki Takimoto - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (1):15-31.
    This research examines the current status of clinical ethics consultation (CEC) in Japan through a nationwide study conducted with chairs of ethics committees and clinical ethics committees among 1028 post-graduate clinical teaching hospitals. We also qualitatively analyzed their viewpoints of the CEC’s benefits and problems related to hospital consultation services to identify the critical points for CEC and inform the development of a correctly functioning system. The questionnaire included structured questions about hospital CEC organization and service purpose and operation and (...)
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  12.  45
    Cognate effects in picture naming: Does cross-language activation survive a change of script?Noriko Hoshino & Judith F. Kroll - 2008 - Cognition 106 (1):501-511.
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  13.  43
    Proof theory for theories of ordinals—I: recursively Mahlo ordinals.Toshiyasu Arai - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 122 (1-3):1-85.
    This paper deals with a proof theory for a theory T22 of recursively Mahlo ordinals in the form of Π2-reflecting on Π2-reflecting ordinals using a subsystem Od of the system O of ordinal diagrams in Arai 353). This paper is the first published one in which a proof-theoretic analysis à la Gentzen–Takeuti of recursively large ordinals is expounded.
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  14.  56
    Proof theory for theories of ordinals II: Π3-reflection.Toshiyasu Arai - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 129 (1):39-92.
    This paper deals with a proof theory for a theory T3 of Π3-reflecting ordinals using the system O of ordinal diagrams in Arai 1375). This is a sequel to the previous one 1) in which a theory for recursively Mahlo ordinals is analyzed proof-theoretically.
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  15.  18
    Laforte, G., see Downey, R.T. Arai, Z. Chatzidakis & A. Pillay - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 95 (1-3):287.
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  16.  80
    Clinical Ethics Consultation: Examining how American and Japanese experts analyze an Alzheimeras case.Noriko Nagao, Mark P. Aulisio, Yoshio Nukaga, Misao Fujita, Shinji Kosugi, Stuart Youngner & Akira Akabayashi - 2008 - BMC Medical Ethics 9 (1):2-.
    BackgroundFew comparative studies of clinical ethics consultation practices have been reported. The objective of this study was to explore how American and Japanese experts analyze an Alzheimer's case regarding ethics consultation.MethodsWe presented the case to physicians and ethicists from the US and Japan (one expert from each field from both countries; total = 4) and obtained their responses through a questionnaire and in-depth interviews.ResultsEstablishing a consensus was a common goal among American and Japanese participants. In attempting to achieve consensus, the (...)
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  17.  49
    Comparison of ethical judgments exhibited by clients and ethics consultants in Japan.Noriko Nagao, Yasuhiro Kadooka & Atsushi Asai - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):19.
    Healthcare professionals must make decisions for patients based on ethical considerations. However, they rely on clinical ethics consultations (CEC) to review ethical justifications of their decisions. CEC consultants support the cases reviewed and guide medical care. When both healthcare professionals and CEC consultants face ethical problems in medical care, how is their judgment derived? How do medical judgments differ from the ethical considerations of CECs? This study examines CECs in Japan to identify differences in the ethical judgment of clients and (...)
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  18.  40
    A slow growing analogue to buchholz' proof.Toshiyasu Arai - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 54 (2):101-120.
    In this, journal, W. Buchholz gave an elegant proof of a characterization theorem for provably total recursive functions in the theory IDv for the v-times iterated inductive definitions . He characterizes the classes of functions by Hardy functions. In this note we will show that a slow growing analogue to the theorem can be obtained by a slight modification of Buchholz' proof.
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  19.  67
    Derivability conditions on Rosser's provability predicates.Toshiyasu Arai - 1990 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 31 (4):487-497.
  20.  60
    (1 other version)Some results on cut-elimination, provable well-orderings, induction and reflection.Toshiyasu Arai - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 95 (1-3):93-184.
    We gather the following miscellaneous results in proof theory from the attic.1. 1. A provably well-founded elementary ordering admits an elementary order preserving map.2. 2. A simple proof of an elementary bound for cut elimination in propositional calculus and its applications to separation problem in relativized bounded arithmetic below S21.3. 3. Equivalents for Bar Induction, e.g., reflection schema for ω logic.4. 4. Direct computations in an equational calculus PRE and a decidability problem for provable inequations in PRE.5. 5. Intuitionistic fixed (...)
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  21.  21
    Perceptions of Psychosocial and Ethical Issues and the Psychological Characteristics of Donors in the Clinical Setting of Living Kidney Donors: A Qualitative Study.Nana Arai, Naoki Yokoyama, Mayumi Hara & Yoshiyuki Takimoto - 2024 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 15 (1):22-32.
    Background There are several psychosocial and ethical issues surrounding the decision to be a living kidney donor. The present study aimed to determine the perceptions of psychosocial and ethical issues that living kidney donors may have, and analyze their psychological characteristics.Methods Face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 donors. Thematic analysis was then performed to categorize the thematic elements of the transcripts. All procedures were approved by the relevant review board.Results Four main categories were identified: Awareness of family dynamics, barriers (...)
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  22.  20
    Wellfoundedness proof with the maximal distinguished set.Toshiyasu Arai - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (3):333-357.
    In Arai (An ordinal analysis of a single stable ordinal, submitted) it is shown that an ordinal \(\sup _{N is an upper bound for the proof-theoretic ordinal of a set theory \(\mathsf {KP}\ell ^{r}+(M\prec _{\Sigma _{1}}V)\). In this paper we show that a second order arithmetic \(\Sigma ^{1-}_{2}{\mathrm {-CA}}+\Pi ^{1}_{1}{\mathrm {-CA}}_{0}\) proves the wellfoundedness up to \(\psi _{\varOmega _{1}}(\varepsilon _{\varOmega _{{\mathbb {S}}+N+1}})\) for each _N_. It is easy to interpret \(\Sigma ^{1-}_{2}{\mathrm {-CA}}+\Pi ^{1}_{1}{\mathrm {-CA}}_{0}\) in \(\mathsf {KP}\ell ^{r}+(M\prec _{\Sigma (...)
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  23.  36
    Derivatives of normal functions and $$\omega $$ ω -models.Toshiyasu Arai - 2018 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 57 (5-6):649-664.
    In this note the well-ordering principle for the derivative \ of normal functions \ on ordinals is shown to be equivalent to the existence of arbitrarily large countable coded \-models of the well-ordering principle for the function \.
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  24.  42
    Ordinal diagrams for recursively Mahlo universes.Toshiyasu Arai - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (5):353-391.
    In this paper we introduce a recursive notation system $O(\mu)$ of ordinals. An element of the notation system is called an ordinal diagram following G. Takeuti [25]. The system is designed for proof theoretic study of theories of recursively Mahlo universes. We show that for each $\alpha<\Omega$ in $O(\mu)$ KPM proves that the initial segment of $O(\mu)$ determined by $\alpha$ is a well ordering. Proof theoretic study for such theories will be reported in [9].
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  25.  64
    Wellfoundedness proofs by means of non-monotonic inductive definitions I: Π₂⁰-operators.Toshiyasu Arai - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (3):830-850.
    In this paper, we prove the wellfoundedness of recursive notation systems for reflecting ordinals up to Π₃-reflection by relevant inductive definitions.
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  26.  63
    Wellfoundedness proofs by means of non-monotonic inductive definitions II: first order operators.Toshiyasu Arai - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (2):107-143.
  27.  41
    Über den Sinn des Schattens in der Metaphysik.Noriko Hashimoto - 1992 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 18:83-89.
  28.  18
    Life after the Pandemic and Nature in advance.Noriko Hashimoto - forthcoming - Eco-Ethica.
    In the circular sphere around the Pacific Ocean many volcanos have erupted, and, because of tectonic plates, numerous earthquakes have occurred. In Tonga, especially, the resulting devastation has been beyond our wildest imagination. Regarding such natural phenomena, we could not predict anything. Likewise, the Covid-19 pandemic appeared suddenly, and no one can say when its destruction will end. Protective measures against infection have affected the nature of our social interactions: masking has changed our spatial consciousness; observing social distancing has made (...)
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  29.  21
    La vie après la pandémie et la beauté du point de vue de l’éco-éthique.Noriko Hashimoto, Jacob Dahl Rendtorff & Nicole G. Albert - 2022 - Diogène n° 275-276 (3):50-57.
    Avec et après la pandémie, notre conscience de l’espace et du temps a subi un changement radical : les individus ont expérimenté l’oisiveté forcée, les gestes barrières et la distanciation physique qui redouble l’éloignement induit par les nouvelles technologies ayant substitué la communication à l’échange. Or, les progrès techniques n’ont de progrès que le nom et ne cherchent que l’efficacité assurée par la vitesse qui fait violence aux cycles de la nature. Pourtant, seule cette dernière est capable de nous réconcilier (...)
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  30.  19
    The Lack of a Concept of Justice in Japan.Noriko Hashimoto - 2017 - Eco-Ethica 6:201-211.
    In the case of Japan, we accepted the Chinese philosophy of morality when we received the Chinese character Yi: it means responsibility to Heaven (vertical) and, at the same time, responsibility to community (horizontal). An act having this structure might be our responsibility as human beings: yi means “justice”, keeping balance between Heaven and Earth. The Japanese people had such a balance until the Edo era. In 1868, when the Meiji Restoration occurred, the Japanese government tried to accept Western ideas. (...)
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  31.  1
    The Wind Between Inter-subjectivity and Inter-objectivity Through the Noh Play Yamanba.Noriko Hashimoto - 2023 - Eco-Ethica 11:125-132.
    Inspired by earthquakes in the world, I attempt to clarify the relationship between human beings and Nature. Many architects, such as Tange and Isozaki from 1963 until 2005, built modern cities under the idea of urbanism. However, in Eco-ethica, we propose a new concept “urbanica.” It suggests a new relationship—not “city-center and suburbs” but free relations among communities. New relationships must be clarified in ethics. I try to make clear the relationship between inter-subjectivity and inter-objectivity. I analyze this through a (...)
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  32.  18
    L2 acquisition of Japanese: Knowledge and use of case particles in SOV and OSV sentences.Noriko Iwasaki - 2003 - In Simin Karimi, Word order and scrambling. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 273--300.
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  33.  85
    Modality and point of view in media discourse.Noriko Iwamoto - forthcoming - The Human Studies. Kanagawa University.
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  34. Andō Shōeki no gakumon to shinkō.Noriko Kayanuma - 1996 - Tōkyō: Benseisha.
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  35.  34
    The Pragmatics of Multi-Verb Sequences: The Case of the Verb Go.Noriko Matsumoto - 2010 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 6 (1):117-143.
    The Pragmatics of Multi-Verb Sequences: The Case of the Verb Go This paper is an empirical investigation into the nature of multi-verb sequences in English. Multi-verb sequences such as V-to-VP and V-and-VP present a natural construction type of investigating recurring patterns of event sequences as conceived situations. This paper focuses on the image-schematic properties of both the go-to-VP construction and the go-and-VP construction to which previous accounts have paid little attention, and it demonstrates that the interpretation of the image-schemas has (...)
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  36.  27
    The substance of teacher's ^|^ldquo;sensitizing reflection^|^rdquo; in physical education classes and deepening it.Noriko Nagata, Keiji Umeno & Yoshiki Koto - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 32 (2):99-118.
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  37.  64
    Editors' Introduction: Feminism and Religion in Contemporary Japan.Kawahashi Noriko, 川橋範子, Kuroki Masako & 黑木雅子 - forthcoming - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies.
  38.  40
    Feminist Buddhism as Praxis: Women in Traditional Buddhism.Kawahashi Noriko - 2003 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 30 (3-4):291-313.
  39.  24
    Seven Hindrances of Women? A Popular Discourse on Okinawan Women and Religion.Kawahashi Noriko, 川橋 & 範子 - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 27 (1-2):85-98.
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  40. Seven Hindrances of Women?Kawahashi Noriko - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 27 (1-2):1-2.
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  41. Haidegā kenkyū.Noriko Okada - 1976
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  42.  75
    Animating Objects: Tsukumogami ki and the Medieval Illustration of Shingon Truth.Noriko Reider - 2009 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 36 (2):231-257.
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  43. Special issue: Vernacular Buddhism and Medieval Japanese Literature.Noriko T. Reider - 2009 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 36 (2).
  44.  42
    The SMC proteins and the coming of age of the chromosome scaffold hypothesis.Noriko Saitoh, Iiya Goldberg & William C. Earnshaw - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (9):759-766.
    The mechanism of chromosome condensation is one of the classic mysteries of mitosis. A number of years ago, it was suggested that nonhistone proteins of the chromosome scaffold fraction might help chromosomes to condense, possibly by constructing a framework for the condensed structure. Recent results have shown that topoisomerase II and the SMC proteins, two abundant members of the scaffold fraction, are required for chromosome condensation and segregation during mitosis. Topoisomerase II is a well‐characterized enzyme. In contrast, nothing is yet (...)
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  45.  9
    Kankoku kōgiroku.Noriko Sugano (ed.) - 1999 - Tōkyō: Tōkyōdō Shuppan.
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  46.  13
    Kinsei no kōshiden, kōgiden: "Aizu kōshiden", "Iwami no Kuni Uno-mura kōshiden", "Jakushū ryōminden", "Chikuzen no Kuni kōshi ryōminden".Noriko Sugano & Setsuō Mori (eds.) - 2021 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Kyūko Shoin.
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  47.  7
    Arisutoteresu tetsugaku no kenkyū: sono kiso gainen o megutte.Noriko Ushida - 1991 - Tōkyō: Sōbundō.
  48.  74
    ‘Before the Topics’?Noriko Ushida - 2003 - Ancient Philosophy 23 (1):113-134.
  49.  74
    Ordinal diagrams for Π3-reflection.Toshiyasu Arai - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (3):1375 - 1394.
    In this paper we introduce a recursive notation system O(Π 3 ) of ordinals. An element of the notation system is called an ordinal diagram. The system is designed for proof theoretic study of theories of Π 3 -reflection. We show that for each $\alpha in O(Π 3 ) a set theory KP Π 3 for Π 3 -reflection proves that the initial segment of O(Π 3 ) determined by α is a well ordering. Proof theoretic study for such theories (...)
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  50.  43
    Proof theory of weak compactness.Toshiyasu Arai - 2013 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 13 (1):1350003.
    We show that the existence of a weakly compact cardinal over the Zermelo–Fraenkel's set theory ZF is proof-theoretically reducible to iterations of Mostowski collapsings and Mahlo operations.
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